Gdansk Airport Directions

Trains to Gdansk Airport
Because Gdansk is a large city, trains converge there from all over Poland, out into Northern Europe and beyond. Once you’ve arrived safely at Gdansk-Wrzeszcz or Gdansk Glowny Railway Stations you can either catch a cab to Gdansk airport or hop onto one of the many frequent bus and minibus services detailed below. The City Terminal is very central and is well served by public transport and official airport cabs.
Buses to Gdansk Airport
ZKM Gdanks buses run services to and from Gdansk-Wrzeszcz Railway Station and the airport, Gdansk Glowny Railway Station and Gdansk Airport and Gdynia Glowna Railway Station to Gdansk Airport. There’s also a frequent night bus line between Gdansk Glowny Railway Station and the airport. There are also several minibus services to and from Gdansk airport. Ozzy Travel offers transfers by minibus from Koszalin, Slupsk and Slawno. Inter Bus transfers from Braniewo, Frombork, Elbląg and Gdansk city centre. And Wagner Auto Service transfers travellers to and from Gdansk airport and Olsztyn, Ostróda, Elbląg and central Gdansk.
Driving to Gdansk Airport
If you’re driving to Gdansk airport from the city centre, find Aleja Zwyciestwa Street. Watch out… this changes mid-way into Aleja Grunwaldzka Street. Turn left by Galeria Baltycka Shopping Centre into Slowackiego Street and keep going over the Tri-city ring road. Give it a few kilometres and you’ll hit the airport. By car from Gdynia or Sopot you find the ring road and head for Gdansk. Exit at E28 by Matarnia Shopping Centre and turn right into the 472. This’ll take you direct to Gdansk Airport. From Pruszcz Gdanski take the ring road to Gdansk and follow the airport control tower. If the road signs get too baffling, you can’t miss it!

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